Every time I go through a discussion with a friend, I get surprised how it seems to be that the majority of people think that the internet is ultimately a safe-haven!
Despite the feeling that cyber-attacks are attracting more and more news coverage with each passing day, people, in general, prefer to keep using the internet the same as they ever have and hope luck will protect them from being taken in by the army of cyber criminals lurking in the shadows, waiting to unleash their technology to do their worst. And yet, the cold hard facts are hard to deny: according to a Norton report in 2021, there is a significant cyberattack every 39 seconds, amounting to around 2,200 cyberattacks per day.
The Covid pandemic has played a significant role in the last couple of years on the rise of cyber attacks, forcing businesses and individuals to rely more heavily on the internet for work, communication, and entertainment. This increased dependency on the internet has made us more vulnerable. Hackers are now targeting people working from home, as they are often less likely to have strong cybersecurity measures in place. Additionally, many people use public Wi-Fi networks to connect to the internet, making them more susceptible to attacks.
133% increase in cyberattacks
In June 2020 Swissinfo.ch reported figures from the NCSC (National Cyber Security Center) showing that there were 350 reported cases of cyberattacks (phishing, fraudulent websites, direct attacks on companies etc.) in Switzerland in April, compared to the norm of 100-150 per month pre-pandemic.
What should we do?
The below steps will help you protect yourself from these cyber threats.
- First, make sure that your home network is secure (by ensuring that your home WIFI is safeguarded using a difficult password that contains at least one unique character, one number, and a combination of both uppercase and lowercase characters) and that you are using a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.
- Using complex passwords should not be limited to your home WIFI device; instead, they should be used with all your online accounts (such as email, social media and any other online account you use).
- You should also be aware of the latest scams and phishing attacks so that you can avoid them (usually, those types of email attacks request you to take action immediately or within a limited time).
- Finally, keep your devices and software up-to-date, as outdated software is often more vulnerable to attacks.
Cybercriminals will often go for easier targets. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re not inviting them in, and following these simple tips can help protect yourself from cyber threats.
Stay safe out there!